How to get your JAMB e-slip after registration 2025/2026

How to get your JAMB e-slip after registration 2025/2026; After successfully completing your Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (Jamb) registration, the next important step is to get your e-slip. Your e-slip is a crucial document that contains vital information about your upcoming Jamb exam, including:

  • Exam Date: The exact date when your Jamb exam will take place.
  • Exam Time: The time at which your exam is scheduled.
  • Exam Venue: The location of your exam center.

Having your e-slip is essential as it provides all the necessary details for attending your exam.

What is an e-slip?

An e-slip is an electronic document that you can access and print from the official Jamb website after you have successfully registered. The e-slip contains important details such as the date, time, and venue of your exam. This electronic slip is a replacement for traditional paper slips and can be easily accessed online.

READ ALSO: How to print your JAMB result slip for 2025/2026

How to Get Your Jamb e-slip

Getting your Jamb e-slip is a straightforward process. Follow the simple steps below:

1. Visit the Jamb Portal

  • Go to the official Jamb website:
  • On the homepage, find the “Print Examination Slip” section. This section will be available once Jamb announces that candidates can print their e-slips.

2. Enter Your Login Details

  • You will need your Jamb registration number and password to log into your account.
  • Ensure that you enter your registration number and password correctly to avoid any login issues.

3. Access Your e-slip

  • After successfully logging in, you will be directed to your Jamb profile page.
  • Locate and click the “Print Examination Slip” button. This will open up your e-slip with all your exam details, such as the exam date, time, and venue.

4. Print Your e-slip

  • Once the e-slip is displayed on your screen, ensure all the details are correct.
  • It is advisable to print multiple copies of your e-slip for safekeeping. One copy should be kept at home, and another copy should be carried with you to the exam center on the exam day.

Important Notes

1. Keep Your e-slip Safe

Your e-slip is a very important document. Without it, you may not be allowed to sit for the exam. Therefore, it is crucial that you keep it safe and do not lose it.

2. Double-check the Information

After printing your e-slip, review all the information carefully. Ensure that the exam date, time, and venue are accurate. If any details are wrong, contact Jamb immediately for assistance.

3. Contact Jamb if You Have Issues

If you encounter any problems accessing or printing your e-slip, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jamb for help. You can contact them through their official website, helpline, or visit the nearest Jamb office for support.

When Can You Print Your e-slip?

Jamb will announce the official date when candidates can begin printing their e-slips. Make sure to check the Jamb website regularly for updates. Once the date is announced, it’s essential to print your e-slip on time to avoid any last-minute rush. Don’t wait until the day before the exam!

What to Do if You Cannot Print Your e-slip

In some cases, candidates may face challenges when trying to print their e-slip. If this happens, there are several steps you can take:

1. Visit a Jamb-approved CBT Center

  • Many Computer-Based Test (CBT) centers are authorized to help candidates print their e-slips.
  • If you’re having trouble printing your e-slip at home, you can visit one of these centers for assistance. They will help you print your e-slip, usually for a small fee.

2. Visit a Jamb Office

  • If you’re unable to print your e-slip from a CBT center, you can visit the nearest Jamb office for help. The Jamb staff will guide you through the process and assist you in printing your e-slip.

3. Contact Jamb Helpline

  • If the above methods don’t work, you can always contact Jamb’s helpline for assistance. They will guide you through the process and help resolve any issues related to your e-slip.


Getting your Jamb e-slip is an essential step in the Jamb registration process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily access and print your e-slip. Make sure to double-check all the information, and if you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jamb for support.

Good luck with your exam, and I hope this article helps you successfully get your Jamb e-slip!

READ ALSO: Best time to register for JAMB 2025/2026

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