How to use JAMB 2025/2026 past questions for study

How to use JAMB 2025/2026 past questions for study; When preparing for the JAMB exam, one of the best ways to study is by using past questions. JAMB past questions give you a clear idea of what to expect on the exam day. They help you understand the type of questions, the exam format, and how to manage your time. In this article, we will explain how to use JAMB 2025/2026 past questions to prepare for your exams and increase your chances of success.

Why Should You Use JAMB 2025/2026 Past Questions?

Before we talk about how to use JAMB past questions, let’s first look at why they are important.

  1. They Show the Exam Pattern: JAMB past questions help you know what the exam will look like. You will learn how the questions are asked and the different sections in the exam.
  2. They Help Improve Time Management: By practicing with past questions, you will learn how to manage your time during the exam. You will get used to answering questions within the limited time.
  3. They Build Your Confidence: The more you practice past questions, the more confident you will be when it’s time to write the exam. You will be familiar with the format, and this will reduce your fear.
  4. They Help You Identify Your Weak Areas: By doing past questions, you will realize which subjects or topics you are struggling with. This allows you to focus more on those areas.

Where Can You Get JAMB 2025/2026 Past Questions?

Before you can use past questions, you need to know where to get them. You can download JAMB past questions from various sources like:

  • Official JAMB Website: The official JAMB website sometimes provides free downloadable past questions.
  • Educational Websites and Blogs: Many websites dedicated to education in Nigeria share past questions for free.
  • Social Media Groups: There are Facebook and WhatsApp groups where students share study materials, including past questions.
  • E-book Platforms: Some eBook websites offer free downloadable copies of JAMB past questions.

Once you have your JAMB 2025/2026 past questions, you can begin using them to study.

READ ALSO: How to Get JAMB 2025/2026 Past Questions for Science Subjects

How to Use JAMB 2025/2026 Past Questions Effectively

Now that you have your past questions, it’s time to start studying. Here are simple ways to make the most out of JAMB past questions:

1. Start by Understanding the Exam Format

The first step to using JAMB past questions is to understand how the exam is structured. In JAMB, you will face questions from different subjects like:

  • Use of English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Literature
  • Geography

Each subject has its own pattern of questions. By going through the past questions, you will start seeing how the questions are asked in each subject. For example, in the Use of English, you might see questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. In Mathematics, you will find questions on topics like algebra, calculus, and geometry.

Understanding the exam format helps you know what to expect and how to prepare for each section.

2. Practice Past Questions Regularly

The more you practice, the better you will become. It’s important to set aside time each day to go over past questions. Here’s how you can organize your practice:

  • Pick a Subject: Choose one subject to focus on each day.
  • Set a Time Limit: For each practice session, give yourself a time limit. For example, if the exam gives you 60 minutes to answer 50 questions, practice answering those 50 questions in the same amount of time.
  • Work on Different Sections: Each time you practice, try to cover different sections of the subject. For example, if you’re practicing English, work on comprehension one day and vocabulary the next day.

3. Review Your Mistakes

One of the best ways to learn is by reviewing your mistakes. After you finish practicing past questions, take time to go over the answers you got wrong. Understanding why you made those mistakes will help you avoid them in the future.

For example, if you get a math question wrong, check your solution carefully. Was it because you didn’t understand the formula? Or maybe you made a calculation error? By reviewing your mistakes, you will understand your weak points and improve on them.

4. Consider Real Exam Conditions

To make sure you are ready for the real exam, it’s a good idea to consider the exam conditions while practicing. Here’s how:

  • Find a Quiet Place: Choose a quiet space where you won’t be distracted.
  • Set a Timer: Time yourself to see how long it takes to finish the set of questions.
  • Avoid Looking at Answers: Don’t cheat by looking at the answers while you are practicing. Try to answer the questions based on what you know.

By practicing under exam-like conditions, you will get used to the time pressure and be more comfortable on the exam day.

5. Focus on Your Weak Areas

As you practice with past questions, you will notice some topics or subjects that you struggle with. Spend extra time working on those weak areas. For example, if you find that you are having difficulty with chemistry, focus more on chemistry questions until you feel comfortable with them.

If you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to seek help. You can ask your teachers, friends, or even join online study groups where you can get answers to your questions.

6. Mix Past Questions with Other Study Materials

While past questions are important, you should also use other study materials, such as textbooks, online resources, and revision guides. Use these materials to deepen your understanding of each topic.

For example, if you don’t understand a particular physics concept, look it up in your textbook or find a video explaining it online. Combining past questions with other study resources will give you a broader understanding of the subjects.

READ ALSO: How to Organize JAMB Past Questions for Effective Study

Tips for Using JAMB Past Questions Effectively

Here are a few more tips to help you make the most out of your JAMB past questions:

  • Set a Study Schedule: Create a study timetable that includes time for practicing past questions. Stick to your schedule to ensure you cover all subjects.
  • Stay Consistent: Don’t wait until the last minute to start practicing. Consistency is key to doing well in the exam.
  • Work with a Study Group: Sometimes studying with others can be helpful. Join a study group where you can share past questions and discuss answers.
  • Take Breaks: Don’t overwork yourself. Take regular breaks to rest and refresh your mind.


Using JAMB 2025/2026 past questions is one of the best ways to prepare for the exam. By practicing regularly, reviewing your mistakes, and focusing on your weak areas, you will improve your chances of success. Don’t forget to simulate real exam conditions and combine past questions with other study materials to fully prepare yourself. With consistent effort and the right approach, you can pass your JAMB exam with flying colors.

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