What is the Difference Between JAMB and School Cut-Off Marks in 2025/2026?

What is the Difference Between JAMB and School Cut-Off Marks in 2025/2026? If you are planning to take the JAMB exam in 2025/2026, one thing you need to understand is the difference between the JAMB cut-off mark and the school cut-off mark. Both are important, but they are not the same. In this article, we will explain what each cut-off mark means and how they affect your chances of getting into the school of your choice. By the end of this article, you will understand the differences and how they relate to your admission process.

READ ALSO: Why JAMB Cut-Off Marks Are Important for 2025/2026 Admission

What is the JAMB Cut-Off Mark?

The JAMB cut-off mark is the minimum score that a student must get in the JAMB exam to be considered for admission to any university, polytechnic, or college of education in Nigeria. This score is set by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) after the results of the JAMB exam are released.

Each year, JAMB sets the cut-off mark for universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. The JAMB cut-off mark is important because it decides if you can move forward in the admission process. If your JAMB score is higher than or equal to the JAMB cut-off mark, you can be considered for admission.

For example, in 2025/2026, the JAMB cut-off mark for universities may be set at 160, meaning you need to score at least 160 to be eligible for admission into a university. For polytechnics or colleges of education, the JAMB cut-off mark may be set lower, around 120 or 100.

What is the School Cut-Off Mark?

The school cut-off mark is the score that a particular school sets for admission into its programs. After you take the JAMB exam, the school where you want to study will also set its own cut-off mark for admission. This mark could be higher or lower than the JAMB cut-off mark, depending on the school.

The school cut-off mark is important because it decides whether you can get admission to a specific school. Some schools may set a higher cut-off mark because they are more competitive, while others may set a lower cut-off mark if they have more available space or fewer students applying.

For example, the University of Lagos (UNILAG) may have a school cut-off mark of 200, even though the JAMB cut-off mark for universities is 160. This means you need to score at least 200 to have a chance of being admitted to UNILAG, even if you meet the JAMB cut-off mark of 160.

READ ALSO: JAMB 2025/2026 News on Cut-Off Marks: What You Need to Know

Key Differences Between JAMB and School Cut-Off Marks

Now that we understand what JAMB cut-off mark and school cut-off mark mean, let’s look at the main differences between them.

1. Setting Authority

The JAMB cut-off mark is set by JAMB, the national body responsible for managing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). JAMB sets a general minimum score that all students must meet to be considered for admission into universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education.

The school cut-off mark, on the other hand, is set by each individual school. After you meet the JAMB cut-off mark, the school will decide what score you need to meet in order to proceed with the admission process.

2. Scope of Application

The JAMB cut-off mark applies to all institutions in Nigeria, including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. It is a national benchmark that all students must meet in order to be considered for admission to any of these institutions.

The school cut-off mark only applies to the specific school you are applying to. Each school can set its own cut-off mark, and it may vary from one institution to another.

3. Score Difference

The JAMB cut-off mark is usually the same for all students applying to universities, polytechnics, or colleges of education in Nigeria. However, the school cut-off mark can vary from one school to another. Some schools may set a higher cut-off mark, while others may set a lower cut-off mark.

For example, you may meet the JAMB cut-off mark of 160 for universities, but some universities may require you to score 180 or 200 to be considered for admission. In contrast, some polytechnics or colleges of education may accept students with a JAMB score as low as 100 or 120.

4. Admission Process

After you meet the JAMB cut-off mark, the next step is to meet the school cut-off mark. Even if your JAMB score is above the JAMB cut-off mark, you may not be admitted to your chosen school if you do not meet the school’s own cut-off mark.

Many schools also have other requirements, such as Post-UTME exams, interviews, or screenings. If you meet the JAMB cut-off mark but do not meet the school cut-off mark, you may not be considered for admission, even if you perform well in the Post-UTME.

5. Course-Specific Cut-Off Marks

Some schools may have different cut-off marks for different courses. For example, a law program may have a higher school cut-off mark than an education program. This means that students who want to study more competitive courses may need a higher score to be admitted, even if the JAMB cut-off mark is the same for all students.

In contrast, the JAMB cut-off mark is the same for all courses, even if some courses are more competitive than others. It’s the school cut-off mark that varies depending on the course you want to study.

How Do JAMB and School Cut-Off Marks Work Together?

After you take the JAMB exam, you will first check if your score meets the JAMB cut-off mark for universities, polytechnics, or colleges of education. If your JAMB score meets or is above the JAMB cut-off mark, you can then proceed with the admission process at your chosen school.

Next, you need to check the school cut-off mark for your desired school. If your JAMB score meets or exceeds the school cut-off mark, you will be eligible to continue with the admission process, which may include a Post-UTME exam, screening, or interview. If your score does not meet the school cut-off mark, you may need to consider other options, such as changing schools or courses, or applying for Direct Entry.

What to Do if You Don’t Meet the School Cut-Off Mark

If you don’t meet the school cut-off mark but your JAMB score is good, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Change Course: You can apply for a less competitive course with a lower school cut-off mark.
  2. Consider Other Schools: If you can’t meet the school cut-off mark for one school, try applying to a school with a lower cut-off mark.
  3. Apply for Post-UTME: Some schools may still give you a chance to prove yourself through the Post-UTME or screening process.
  4. Wait for Supplementary Admission: Some schools may offer supplementary admission if there are still available spaces.


The difference between JAMB cut-off marks and school cut-off marks is important for anyone planning to take the JAMB exam in 2025/2026. The JAMB cut-off mark is set by JAMB for all students across the country, while the school cut-off mark is specific to the school you are applying to. To be considered for admission, you must meet both the JAMB cut-off mark and the school cut-off mark. If you don’t meet the school cut-off mark, you can consider changing your course, applying to another school, or waiting for supplementary admission.

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